The Best Fly Casting Tricks
Skills, Drills, Tips & Tricks for Better Fly Casting
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How To Tie the Improved Clinch Knot
This is a step-by-step guide to tying the improved clinch knot, the classic ’57 Chevy of knots for fly fishing
Practice Tips for Saltwater Casting Above the Mendoza Line
Here are some practice tips to boost your casting skills needed for success in a saltwater fly fishing situation
How To Tie the Slim Beauty Knot
This is a step-by-step guide to tying the slim beauty, one of the most popular knots fly fishermen are using today.
Quick Tip For Stripping Loops
Here is a simple way of managing fly line whether fishing from a boat, on shore or wading in the surf.
Easy Drills To Overcome the Most Common Casting Problems
Stumbling blocks prevent casters from advancing to the next level. These easy drills will help you overcome the most common casting problems.
Best Tips for Beach Snook Fishing
Best tips for beach snook fishing in perfect conditions with crystal-blue waters and how to adapt to less ideal weather conditions
10 Tips for Catch and Release
Here are 10 tips for catch and release that will greatly increase the chances that the fish you just landed will swim away and live to fight another day
Teaching Tips To Make the Most of Your Casting Lesson
The role of an instructor is as important as the rod and reel itself. Here are some teaching tips to make the most of your casting lessons.
How To Make Any Fly Weedless
Weed guards can be difficult to tie on some fly patterns. In this post, I will show you how to make any fly weedless in three easy steps!
10 Tips To Get the Most From Your Guided Fishing Trip
Here are 10 tips to get the most from your guided fishing trip and ensure that you and your guide have a pleasant and rewarding experience.
Three Useful Casts You’ve Probably Never Seen
Some casts that are truly unique; usually developed for a specific purpose. These three casts that I present here are stand-alone and I suspect you’ve never seen before.
Best Casts for a Drag-Free Drift
A drag-free drift allows your fly to approach the fish as naturally as possible. In this article I will cover the four most useful slackline casts for a drag-free drift.
7 Tips on Casting Controlled Open Loops
Casting controlled open loops can really improve your presentation. Learn about the 7 situations that call for opening up.
14 Tips for Casting in Windy Conditions
Wind, in many great fishing destinations, is always a factor. While it can make fly casting challenging, the wind also has its advantages. Learns these 14 tips for casting in windy conditions.
The Index Finger On Top Grip
The index finger on top grip is a cornerstone of my casting style. Learn the four major reasons for choosing this grip.
6 Tips to Improve Your Casting Accuracy
Casting accuracy skills are probably the least practiced, but most valuable of all casts. The most common request I get from students is “I want to work on my distance”. Ironically, the best way to increase distance is to start with accuracy. Here are a few tips.
9 Essential skills for Kayak Fly Fishing
Fly fishing is in many ways the toughest way to fish and can also be the most rewarding. When you take to the kayak, you are upping the ante considerably. Practice these 9 Essential skills for Kayak Fly Fishing and you’ll be up and running in very short order.
8 Most Common Causes of Fly Rod Breakage
There are many ways to break a rod and, over the years, I have been guilty of more than my share. Here are some of the most common causes of fly rod breakage and a few tips for keeping your favorite rods in service.
Pick-Up Lines
Learn the best pick-up technique add considerable length to your cast with no extra effort. The “Pick-up” may be the most important element of the entire cast.
10 Tips to Unsnag a Fly
From rocky streams to wooded lakes, to saltwater backcountry, you have to be bold to get the fly in the right spots. Snags of all descriptions are inevitable; here are some of the most common snag situations and tips that will save you time, flies, and frustration.
No Fly Zone and Fly Casting Safety
Establishing the No Fly Zone will set the ground rules for a worry-free day on the water. Learn the four basic casting techniques that will help novice and advanced casters avoid the No Fly Zone.
Sharpen Your Shooting
Learn how to double your line length in a single cast without false casting. Understanding how and when to lengthen line will sharpen your shooting and make a significant difference in ease and performance.